Q&a zoom
Q&a zoom

q&a zoom

Hope to see you there and please spread the word to others who might be interested in attending. Make meaningful connections with meetings, team chat, whiteboard, phone, and more in one offering. The videos will be available on WikiTree's YouTube channel within a few days. Unified communication and collaboration platform. These two sessions will be the same, so just attend the one most convenient for you. We'll also start the sessions with a look at a well done profile that shows the potential of what's possible on WikiTree.

  • Thursday, April 6 at 8 pm EDT/12 am UTC.
  • You can also be on the Zoom call and ask any general questions you have or just listen along.
  • Be willing to let us make some changes to the profiles they show us.
  • Answers can be provided by typing in the answers or choosing to answer live.

    q&a zoom

  • Be curious about how things work on WikiTree The Question & Answer (Q&A) feature allows attendees to ask questions during the webinar and for the panelists, co-hosts, and host to answer their questions.
  • From here, they can decide whether to type the answer in the Q&A section or to answer it live.
  • Up and running with creating profiles (even just a few!) The questions submitted in Q&A will be visible to all panelists and hosts.
  • Ideally, those participating in this way would be: Starting in April, we're actively recruiting two to three individuals to join each call who are willing to let us look at their profiles and talk about their WikiTree questions. They have the ability to interact via Q&A, chat, and answering polling questions. However, there's nothing like learning in real time and getting to ask your specific questions. Are you new/newish to WikiTree and encountering some challenges in growing your branches? These Zoom sessions hosted by Betsy Ko are for you! The sessions are always recorded so you can watch later at a convenient time.

    Q&a zoom